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What is the current status of the storage market?

Entering 2021, global storage products will increase prices across the board At the end of February, the prices

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Global semiconductor market capacity forecast

Based on the current status of the global semiconductor industry, Gartner has made the following predictions for

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Supply and demand outlook of display driver chips for mobile applications

In the small and medium-sized display driver chip market segment, the demand for smart phone display driver chips

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Chip prices are too low will affect manufacturers' enthusiasm for expansion

The global chip shortage has lasted for nearly a year The shortage of production capacity and price increases w

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The development status of PCB industry in different countries

As early as the mid-1980s, there were more than 1,400 PCB manufacturers in Europe In 2000, there were 780 in

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In June, the chip delivery time will be extended again, to 19.3 weeks...

According to the latest data from the market research agency, the lead time for chip orders in June has been e

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Micron estimates that NAND and DRAM prices will remain high-end next year

Micron, the largest memory chip maker in the United States, announced on Wednesday (June 30) that its financial

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The global IC market is expected to exceed US$500 billion in 2021!

IC Insights released its global IC market outlook from 2021 to 2025 Among them, the growth forecast of semicond

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